Creating experiences for students to achieve now and in the future.
MorningStar International, Inc. is your first step towards success…
We help students realize their potential by identifying their passion within our program pillars: College Readiness, Entrepreneurship, Money Management, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Medical) Leadership. Our programs are delivered by volunteer professionals and experts. Students learn from real-life experiences and creative strategies to design their own path towards success. Each student decides the path he or she chooses. It can be starting a business, learning a trade, attending college or becoming a leader within their community. MorningStar International, Inc. has a unique blend of innovative yet interactive programs to equip, empower, and engage students to see their goals transpire.
Not only is our approach demanding—it works.
MorningStar International, Inc. provides fundamental tools and resources to prepare students ages 9 – 19 to succeed in global society. Your participation as a student, volunteer, parent, organization or supporter helps MorningStar International continue to grow and serve the next future leaders of tomorrow. MorningStar International, Inc. is more than just the impact we make in our community – But the impact we can make in the world.

Your contribution will provide perpetual growth and opportunities for MorningStar International, Inc. to advance the lives of youth and young adults.

Become a volunteer today! Join a team of volunteers who are change agents who make a difference in their community to inspire students to pursue their dreams and goals in life.

Become a partner today! MorningStar International, Inc. supports the growing need for youth development by helping students with academia and life skills necessary for the workplace and beyond.
About 3.7 Million students will graduate from High School this year.
Your gift today can help a student’s future grow brighter.
Join us in our $7 on the 7 th campaign!